Why Are Women Allowed to Vote?


Though it is somewhat of a rhetorical question, I do genuinely wonder this from time to time.

I also thought that the only things people were entitled to were “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Voting is more of a privilege, like driving. Why should people who do not seriously participate in or contribute to a nation be allowed to have a say in how it is run? I’m being serious.

Weren’t there prerequisites for voting, once upon a time? If standards are a sign of what we do or don’t care about, then we care more about teenagers maybe buying some alcohol or smoking a joint than who gets to determine the supposed powers that be.

Imagine what things would be like if only those who had homes could vote, like it used to be? The shell game would be a lot smaller, certainly. If that’s too much, then why not determine one’s voting eligibility by their employment, or the utility/necessity of their occupation? Why should I have to take a lifelong paper pusher or college student seriously when discussing matters larger than both they and I? These types of people are basically overgrown children.

Women are overgrown children.

Despite this we take them seriously, all in the name of the false God of “equality” and the real demon that is “political correctness.” Not that it’s a big deal anymore. Once women flooded the voting booth, the entire practice overflowed and was devalued, kind of like what they did to wages by flooding the workforce.

There I go again, mentioning women and “workforce” in the same sentence, making the mistake of implying that they’re somehow related, when (for the most part) they are not.

Sitting behind a counter is not real work. Shuffling papers in an air conditioned cubicle is not real work. Working as an HR representative is not real work. About the farthest most women go is nursing, which is fine, except that literally almost all of them do this, or “hospitality management” or something. Yes, some women become doctors, for a little while, at least until they get married or just get tired of it all, usually sometime within the first 10 years of practice.

Here we are, as a nation, throwing equal tons of hours, training, and of course money at aspiring medical students aiming to become doctors, both men and women. Yet half of these (the female half) will not give anywhere near the same level of return as the other half (the male half). Sure, if I need my prostate checked I’d rather have a lady doctor do it, but even that never occurs. It sure as hell didn’t occur during our examination in basic training. Where the hell are all of our tax dollars going again?

Women have no real stake in any of this, in anything. They’ll just do what they always do and follow behind the men like lost puppies and beg for scraps, and most of us men will see their cute puppy faces and fall for the sham again, and again, and again. They do little to help build or grow civilization (and actually harm it in many ways) and we continue to allow them to have such power. We deserve everything we get so long as we allow the charade to parade forth unhindered, willingly being led by our dicks into the abyss.

Boners are powerful, but they can be tempered.