The Military and Subsidized Masculinity


I was talking to one of my friends on the phone the other night when he brought up that he was considering joining the military. Considering that I was in the military for a short period not too long ago, I guess it’s understandable that he would seek me out for a second opinion.

What was most interesting however were his reasons for wanting to join. He said that he “wanted to work for the government,” he currently does not have a job and not a lot of prospects, and most of all he “wants to do/see some real shit,” though he also clearly stated that he doesn’t want to really fight or kill anyone. I asked him what branch he was considering, and he was more or less indecisive and currently does not really know or care much at the moment. He also said that he wants to “be the real deal, like in Ranger school or Airborne.” He is also 32 years old and a very laid back guy.

I more or less tried to tell him that he doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone but himself, and that if all he cares about is receiving certain certifications or training (i.e. marksman, martial arts, etc.) that he can always do that on the side as a hobby or hobbies while securing himself in other ways.

This conversation, more than anything, did get me thinking about the military in general and going back over many of the reasons and motivations for joining in the first place. Most people on the surface try to play off the PC angle of “Patriotism” and “serving your country.” The truth, however, is that those things have more to do with the marketing than the product itself.

The fact of the matter is that most guys go into the military because they have little to no other choice or options.

The 3 most common reasons I observed for recruits going in were either:

1. To support their family.

2. To help pay for various/student loans

3. It beats working at McDonalds or any other entry level job.

I went into the military just a couple weeks after my 21st birthday, and I honestly thought that I would be one of the older guys there. Surprisingly, I was one of 3 guys under the age of 23 in my platoon and one of the youngest out of our entire company. We had a number of guys in their  30’s and 40’s and even one guy in his 60’s. The majority of men there were in the 23-28 age range though. Typically the guys in this demographic (particularly the younger ones) had one common thread among them; a need to somehow “prove themselves.”

Basically, what these men were looking for was a clear and concrete path from adolescence to maturity, from boyhood to manhood. As I have noted before, this is basically what the entire Manosphere is about, more or less.

That’s all fine and dandy on the surface, but when you really start to think about it and read between the lines, it starts to get a little disturbing. Considering that anything the government does or buys or pays for is done with tax dollars, taxes paid for by we the people, the military industrial complex, at least from the average person’s perspective, is really just a way of paying our young men into adulthood, of buying them masculinity in a way.

It of course goes beyond that, however. Spend a little time in any of the “neighborhoods” on a decent military base and everything screams of rigid, lifeless, and subsidized. It’s almost like a higher form of welfare.

I particularly want to stress the age demographic of the men going into here however. Using my time in the military as a proxy, the average age of men going into basic were about 23-28, with 25 being the median. The average male life expectancy in the U.S. is about 76.

These men’s lives are about 1/3 over and they’re still desperately reaching for some way out of their extended adolescence.

The way it used to be in this country, you could have a good job by 15-18, be a “pillar of the community” and at least somewhat respected or taken seriously, possibly get married and have children and bada-boom, you were a man and free to roam the earth as a full-fledged adult. Now we have hipsters and foodies, proudly displaying their “minimalist” lifestyles of welfare and coffee shops.

The friend I mentioned at the beginning of the article was 32 years old, that’s even farther down the line to be grasping for this kind of stuff.

We’ve become a nation of boys and bitches.

Speaking of bitches, do not deal with any woman who is/was in the military or is considering joining. These women are merely being honest about how manipulative and usury-like they are. Take heed of their display and run away, as they will use you just the same.

Comment of the Week

Whilst browsing a bit of YouTube on my day off, this particularly enlightening video from Stardusk pops up. The video itself is very good and provides a lot of great insight, and is well worth a watch. That’s not what I necessarily want to focus on for this post, however.

Despite all of the kerfuffle that YouTube’s infamous comments section always causes, there are still (somehow) plenty of good and insightful nuggets of wisdom to be found within. Sometimes you come across that one comment that just really makes you think and drives the point home, such as this one from user MultiShadow1979 on the aforementioned video:

Women look at the entire world through the lens [of] their feelings, but look at men clearly and rationally. Men look at the entire world clearly and rationally, but look at women through the lens of their feelings. That’s why we have so many men arguing that men and women “belong” together, because it just “feels” right.. as silly as that is. Unfortunately for them, women will eventually force all men to look at them logically, clearly, and rationally.

That emphasized bit of text is perhaps the one defining core trait of the entire Manosphere.

What is the Manosphere other than modern man’s attempt to rationally and logically view and criticize women?

Think about it. Whether its the PUAs, MRMs, MRAs, MGTOWs, reactionaries, conspirators, haters, lovers, the religious, libertarians, or even a few fellow women, we are all just trying to clearly put the pieces together behind this whole mess of a culture that we currently live in. The greater the level of “equality” or technology or standard of living, the greater the mess, ironically enough.

That comment also explains a multitude of other things, perhaps most obviously the infamous “mangina,” bane to masculine men with actual balls everywhere. That is the otherwise logical male “viewing women through an emotional lens.”

Then you have the other side of that coin, with women marrying for superficial reasons (i.e. muscles, money, “badboy” lifestyle, etc.) and divorcing/”cashing out” for equally petty reasons. That is the otherwise emotional female “viewing men through a logical/rational lens.”

These two realizations drive home Stardusk’s point very well, namely that beyond biological copulation, men and women have nothing in common, and certainly no reason to waste time with one another.

Hell, I think back to all the times Captain Capitalism bemoaned bitter feminists and naive college women, along with some men, for not realizing that “the best thing you can have in this life is a man/woman who loves you” and now realize that it was just yet another example of otherwise logical men getting mopey and emotional when looking at women.

I look at writers such as Judgy Bitch and remember all of the (most often justified and correct) passion and anger towards the silliness of other women and now realize that it’s just another example of otherwise emotional women finally looking at their own kind in a rational and logical way.

It’s actually not all that surprising when you think about it, as both men and women are contradictory by nature. People are very complex, very nuanced things that can change and adapt when needed (or wanted).

Feminism was perhaps nothing more than women taking full advantage of this unnoticed contradiction in their character, and the rise of Game and the Manosphere could perhaps be noted as men finally addressing and taking advantage of this unnoticed contradiction in their character.

As usual, I find intellectual solace in the societal and cultural “canary in the coal mine” that is Japan and the thoughts of others with the intellectual honesty to dig deeper.

The Case Against Polygamy


A few within my rather modest and strange circle of friends have exclaimed a preference for Polygamy, saying things such as “monogamy is unnatural and/or stupid” or “it would be better to just let people do what they want,” etc.

The second argument is somewhat perplexing, considering that giving people the freedom to “do pretty much whatever they want” as far as relationships go has already been achieved. That was the whole crux of sexual liberation and Feminism and civil rights movements in the 1960’s, giving us such wonderful things as hypergamy. How has that been working out so far, by the way?

The idea that some of my friends (and surely many others) have of making polygamy some sort of governmental or officially recognized institution would just be redundant. Everyone is already a whore, either willing and/or able to sleep with as many suitable mates as possible and at any time.

There’s also the fact that everyone already participates in varying levels of soft polygamy. This is where the line separating these terms begins to get a little fuzzy though. At what point does it just become polyamory? At what point is it just promiscuity?

Then there is the anger or resentment towards monogamy. Most people have a simple view of monogamy; they think of your stereotypical 1950’s marriage or nuclear family setting, or something along those lines. Of course, as many of us know, that entire institution has been gutted. Marriage is dead, it is meaningless, etc. etc.

As the video above explains, however, monogamy is actually somewhat nuanced and comes in several different flavors; social monogamy, sexual monogamy, etc.

Going beyond that, the idea of monogamy being “unnatural” is a silly argument. Practically all technology is unnatural. Your exceptionally high standard of living is unnatural. The computer or phone you are reading this on is unnatural. What is your point?

The truth is that most people (mostly guys) have the false idea that if polygamy were a “thing,” then they could have open harems and live like sexual kings. This is the “male rationalization hamster” at work.

A woman can understandably be in favor of polygamy because most of them would have no problem sharing an “alpha” with several other women. All that a woman has to do is look halfway decent and spread her legs and her options open up (pun intended).

Most men do not have that luxury, however. Most of the very same men that express being in favor of polygamy are they themselves just regular men that often falsely believe themselves to be “a cut above the rest” just because they have 2+ women/booty calls on their phone’s contacts list. Establishing some kind of big “official” polygamy would only turn the sexual marketplace into an even more zero-sum game, with most men (perhaps including many of you) as the “losers.”

This along with the fact that it would give the very small percentage of men with real harem capabilities the ability to flaunt their success and you have a recipe for revolt. Or at least a lot of violence. As interesting as the ancient tribes are to study, I would prefer to not emulate them. I like having well-maintained roads and the ability to go for long, peaceful motorcycle rides.

If feminism was an outlet for women to collectively rid themselves of any sexual responsibility no matter the cost or detriment to society at large, perhaps polygamy (or what most men believe polygamy to be) is the male equivalent.

Perhaps we should do it, just so the entire charade can come crashing down even faster. Let’s just get this societal collapse thing over with so we can move on.