Sex, Video Games, and Mass Effect

Something I have noticed more and more over the years is the ever increasing prevalence of video games. As most anyone with even the slightest idea of video game history already knows, the industry started out very small and very niche.

Early on, in the 1980’s and before, this was perhaps the one time it could have been considered an actual “culture,” if not a cult of sorts. Things have changed however, and now the industry possesses millions upon millions of followers and consumers, with billions more in dollars funding it all.

It is interesting because it seems as though nowadays you have people of all types calling themselves “gamers,” from college students, tradesmen, teachers, military personnel, even husbands and fathers, etc. As much as I like Matt Forney, I have to call him out on his generalizations in regards to video games. The whole “nerd,” “geek,” “basement dwelling gamer” meme has been both overused and expanded to the point that it is now meaningless.

Case in point, these terms are now marketable, which should be a clear indicator that they are now without substance.

More to the point, however, is not only the industry, but the particular game mentioned in this article’s title: the Mass Effect series. Basically my thoughts on the series’ true significance can be summed up in a comment by a user named Cole left on Matt Forney’s post linked prior:

“The most recent DLC add-on for the game, Citadel, was specifically designed to feed into the BioDrones’ narcissism; it all but turned the game into a Japanese dating sim.”

Expect more games to go this route. Mass Effect is the harbinger of the upcoming meld between “Second-Life” investment in virtual characters and classic console gaming, where action-packed plot lines are riddled with romance and “you-go-girlisms”. It sucks for casual gamers who actually have a life and just want to blow away bad guys without constantly rolling our eyes.

I see what you did there, calling Mass Effect a “harbinger” (in-game gamer joke, please excuse it).

It’s noteworthy because this dovetails quite nicely with much of the predictions within the appropriately epic Misandry Bubble article concerning the “Four Horsemen of Male Emancipation,” which include:

1. The Venusian Arts (Game)

2. Adult Entertainment Technologies of 2020

3. Globalization

4. Male Economic Disengagement and Resultant Tax-Base Erosion

For all intents and purposes, factors 1, 3 and 4 have all come to pass and are currently having a significant impact on all developed nations, and then some. “Game” and its teachings are as prevalent as ever, globalization is now normal, even encouraged by some (link), and our current level of debt and dwindling tax-base has become a heavy point of political discourse. It is only number 2 on this list that has yet to fully come into its own. This may very well be the tipping point and should serve as a particularly interesting and insightful source of study over the next few years.

The thing is, Mass Effect 1 gained most of its notoriety and attention when it was leaked that the player could “have sex in the game.” There were even news segments from Fox (a.k.a. Faux) News calling it a “sexbox.” This was a libelous assertion at best, especially considering that upon actually playing the game, you quickly realize that it contains little more than a few cutesy, romantic conversations and a few seconds of watching your created avatar and another chosen character hugging in bed. Certainly not full blown sex of any kind.

What is funny, however, is that as the series went on, the “romance” aspect of the game started gaining more and more clout and attention, basically turning this originally sci-fi action series into a space opera by the end of the second installment. As Matt Forney pointed out already, by the end of the third segment and all of its DLC, it has basically turned into a westernized Japanese dating simulation, full of romance options, dating, cutesy couple conversations and “sexy” pixelated payoffs in the form of (what are supposed to be) arousing cutscenes.

 I bring this up because as of right now the most topical and infamous point of discussion regarding this franchise is how poorly it handled its ending. While that is certainly an interesting discussion in and of itself, I do not think that will be its true significance in the end.

When all is said and done, Mass Effect will probably be remembered as the game that first brought the idea of advanced, sexual interactive technologies to the forefront.

Even one of the main characters throughout the series, a handicapped yet talented pilot named Joker, in Mass Effect 3 is dating a robot/android character named EDI, or as I like to call her, Sexbot:

Mass Effect EDI

They try to pass her off as a “rogue and highly advanced A.I.” that can even follow you on missions and help you shoot things, but lets be honest; in the game, she is your crippled pilot’s masturbator walking fleshlight mecha-tenga sexbot. It may be self-aware, but at the very least I just hope it’s self-cleaning…

This is where factor 2 of the Four Horsemen of Male Emancipation finally comes into play. Here is an excerpt from the original article:

I have written in the past about how haptic, motion sensing, and graphical technologies would elevate video games to the premier form of entertainment by 2012.  3-D/holographic images with haptic interfaces and sufficient AI will make rudimentary ‘virtual sex’ a technology available to many men well before 2020, but by 2020 we will see this cross certain thresholds that lead to a dramatic market impact far greater than contraceptive pills and Internet pornography combined.  A substantial portion of the male population will drift into addiction to virtual sex without even realizing it.

Now consider the current level of astounding next generation graphics, cheap, accessible and powerful home consoles/gaming computers, and other outliers such as 4K pornography and even the Oculus Rift:

All of the pieces of the puzzle are there, the ingredients needed to make something both new and very profitable are at hand. All we have to do is wait for someone to put it all together.

Combine this with places such as Japan having more than enough unwarranted propensity for shamelessly turning literally everything into a commodity of sorts and the future this all presents is inevitable.

What interests me the most is how women will react to all of this, not so much the inevitable and immediate (if not fruitless) backlash but the mid to long term effects on women. Despite the fervor over “alpha males” and their harems, women obtain the bulk of their power, resources and attention from the average man. The average man, who has and probably always will constitute the vast majority of the male population, whom of which has yet to create a truly substantial replacement outlet for their frustrated and under-nourished sexuality. It is the attention and dare I say perpetual suffering from these men that most if not all women garner their power.

What will these women do once the primary source of their power, the vast majority of unknowing simps and manipulated “beta males,” is eroded? Will these women get jobs that matter? Will they continue posting “selfies” on the internet even when the comments inevitably dry up? Will the few remaining “alphas” care to handle the drama and heavy figurative/monetary costs of managing large harems? Will women return to form and begin acting nice and feminine? Or will things such as artificial wombs eventually replace the otherwise useless female?

Why am I asking so many questions? Because I am a curious cat that sees nothing wrong with dying due to my own curiosity. I want knowledge and answers, and I shall claw for them regardless of the consequences.

The thing is, sex and love are not intertwined, and lust is often confused for love. Most women do not care how good of a father a man may be, it only matters if he looks the part, dresses the part, and is charming, sociopathic “dark triad” obsessions be damned. Likewise, the urge for sex within most men is merely akin to an itch that cannot be easily scratched, and will find whatever means necessary to scratch that itch, “love” and marriage be damned.

Think of it this way; bacon tastes good, chocolate tastes good, so it was only a matter of time before someone decided to put the two together to form one of the most indulgent snacks ever created, a.k.a. chocolate-covered bacon.

Chocolate Covered Bacon

With that same line of thought; porn is popular, video games are popular, so now it’s only a matter of time before someone decides to really put the two together to form yet another one of the most indulgent “snacks” ever created.

Interactive porn will be our social chocolate covered bacon, and the bad cholesterol and diabetes will be the fallout, or something like that…

Whether or not this is a good thing remains to be seen. However, I personally predict that this will begin making headway by at least 2015, if not a little sooner. We can only wait and see, I suppose.

Comment of the Week

Whilst browsing a bit of YouTube on my day off, this particularly enlightening video from Stardusk pops up. The video itself is very good and provides a lot of great insight, and is well worth a watch. That’s not what I necessarily want to focus on for this post, however.

Despite all of the kerfuffle that YouTube’s infamous comments section always causes, there are still (somehow) plenty of good and insightful nuggets of wisdom to be found within. Sometimes you come across that one comment that just really makes you think and drives the point home, such as this one from user MultiShadow1979 on the aforementioned video:

Women look at the entire world through the lens [of] their feelings, but look at men clearly and rationally. Men look at the entire world clearly and rationally, but look at women through the lens of their feelings. That’s why we have so many men arguing that men and women “belong” together, because it just “feels” right.. as silly as that is. Unfortunately for them, women will eventually force all men to look at them logically, clearly, and rationally.

That emphasized bit of text is perhaps the one defining core trait of the entire Manosphere.

What is the Manosphere other than modern man’s attempt to rationally and logically view and criticize women?

Think about it. Whether its the PUAs, MRMs, MRAs, MGTOWs, reactionaries, conspirators, haters, lovers, the religious, libertarians, or even a few fellow women, we are all just trying to clearly put the pieces together behind this whole mess of a culture that we currently live in. The greater the level of “equality” or technology or standard of living, the greater the mess, ironically enough.

That comment also explains a multitude of other things, perhaps most obviously the infamous “mangina,” bane to masculine men with actual balls everywhere. That is the otherwise logical male “viewing women through an emotional lens.”

Then you have the other side of that coin, with women marrying for superficial reasons (i.e. muscles, money, “badboy” lifestyle, etc.) and divorcing/”cashing out” for equally petty reasons. That is the otherwise emotional female “viewing men through a logical/rational lens.”

These two realizations drive home Stardusk’s point very well, namely that beyond biological copulation, men and women have nothing in common, and certainly no reason to waste time with one another.

Hell, I think back to all the times Captain Capitalism bemoaned bitter feminists and naive college women, along with some men, for not realizing that “the best thing you can have in this life is a man/woman who loves you” and now realize that it was just yet another example of otherwise logical men getting mopey and emotional when looking at women.

I look at writers such as Judgy Bitch and remember all of the (most often justified and correct) passion and anger towards the silliness of other women and now realize that it’s just another example of otherwise emotional women finally looking at their own kind in a rational and logical way.

It’s actually not all that surprising when you think about it, as both men and women are contradictory by nature. People are very complex, very nuanced things that can change and adapt when needed (or wanted).

Feminism was perhaps nothing more than women taking full advantage of this unnoticed contradiction in their character, and the rise of Game and the Manosphere could perhaps be noted as men finally addressing and taking advantage of this unnoticed contradiction in their character.

As usual, I find intellectual solace in the societal and cultural “canary in the coal mine” that is Japan and the thoughts of others with the intellectual honesty to dig deeper.

Ellen Page and the Streisand Effect

Who here cares about Ellen Page? Anyone? Yes, you in the back, what’s your name?


Okay Sony, You mind not making a big deal out of stupid things such as this? Ever heard of the Streisand Effect?:

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

The more you scream about it the more people are going to pay attention to it, which increases the likelihood that it will become news and will cross my path, thus wasting some of my precious time.

“Too late!”

Who said that!? Was it you reddit!? Oh god it was…

Well, there goes any chance of keeping this under wraps. I don’t even know why I bothered to write about this. Then again, I never knew about the Streisand Effect before this, so I learned something new at least. Oh well, here’s a link to what all the commotion is about (NSFW). Have your fun.

Though I have to ask – why is this even in the game? Video game enthusiasts love to talk a big game about taking the hobby seriously, and then we get incidents such as this popping up in apparently “mature” titles. Heavy Rain did it too, and it was just as gratuitous there as it is in this game. Then again, you have to remember the primary demographic that is being catered to here.

It’s all about appeasing the lowest common denominator.

Ellen Page

I was bored. Don’t judge me.

Single Motherhood Sucks According to Science

Not that this was news to anyone,at least not to anyone in this particular sphere of the web, or anyone with a reasonable amount of common sense.

As if the actual numbers and statistics, the demographics, of children raised by single mothers wasn’t enough; what with the increased risk of drug abuse, incarceration, decreased academic performance, increased promiscuity, higher levels of insecurity and social anxiety, etc. etc. etc.

Now we have Professor of Neuroscience, David Linden laying down a few interesting facts, namely that mothers make terrible mothers when on their own.

Of course you try to bring up these kinds of facts in public or during conversation and most people jerk their knees at lightning speed, and recoil with some variation of pre-programmed/politically correct nonsense:

“Mothers should get to choose who they live with/are married to!”

“The woman should get to choose!”

“So you just want to take away their rights as women/mothers?”

“Women can raise children just as well/even better than a man can! Everyone knows this!” (Strawman alert! Strawman alert!)

People will instantly blurt these responses out all the while completely missing the point.

This isn’t a dick measuring contest between men and women (it’s pretty obvious who would win). For all the talk about giving women the ability or right to choose, you want to know who has little say in all of this?

The fathers.

You know who has absolutely no choice in all of this?

The children.

No one cares about what they want though, as “oppression” is the natural state for children anyways (beneath their parents, at least) and no one cares what men think. So that just leaves women for the Social Justice Warriors™ to use as an excuse to justify their pitiful self-righteous rage.

Never mind the fact that women initiate the majority of divorces, putting them primarily at fault for ruining the childhoods (and possibly adulthood) of their offspring. That just makes you a misogynist and a supporter of Rape Culture.™

This is why every single mother should be shamed relentlessly, and before you go all NAWALT on me, yes there are exceptions. What’s you’re point? Most of these women are just making poor choices and decided that spreading their legs for the wrong person (or as is often the case, the wrong people) was a good choice. Let them bear the brunt of their terrible decisions and let the world see it in its full glory so that everyone else can start holding themselves up to some kind of standard. Do not date them, do not applaud them. Ridicule them for daring to spread their bastard spawn and terrible life philosophy onto others.

I’m not holding my breath for that one, however. Still, a guy can dream.

The Validity of Higher Education and STEM Degrees

I came across this video whilst perusing YouTube, and with a title as interesting as “Students Ditching Technology Majors – Find Out Why” my curiosity was thoroughly piqued.

Unfortunately, the title is a bit misleading, and it does not actually delve too far into the reasons behind or why many students are dropping out of, if not outright ignoring, STEM degrees. There is some half-assed guessing and approximation, but none of it is particularly deep.

First off, lets point out the biggest elephant in the room; the young woman commentator in the video, Ana Kasparian. She is a young, white looking American female with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Does she look like the kind of person that has ever had a real job? You know, the kind of job that actually contributes to a nation’s standard of living? Perhaps a job involving a trade, or heavy and dangerous equipment? An occupation involving less than ideal working conditions, possibly outside? Judging from the smooth skin, shiny hair, and being relatively youthful looking for a 27 year-old woman, it’s safe to assume no.

There wasn’t quite as much biographical info on the other host, John Iadarola, but it isn’t particularly important to the point I’m making.

This is important to note because it is no secret that women are now the significant majority of college students in the U.S. now, and as the majority their choices and actions are going to reflect the overall state of the sector.

A side note – I have yet to meet a woman at my own campus (or any campus, really) that was not pursuing something along the lines of Nursing, Hospitality Management (whatever the heck that is supposed to entail), Fashion or something similar. Interesting that women as a whole were so quick to leave the domestic sphere, where they would be taking care of their own children and families, and replace it with a job in the Hospitality/Nursing sector, where they now get to take care of other people’s children and families. The irony is too much sometimes.

It is honestly not even truly worth educating women in the STEM discipline regardless, as they tend to not work nearly as much or as long as their male counterparts, hence the reason why women, on average, earn less than men. Add in the heightened risk of a sexual harassment or discrimination case or the possibility of maternity leave, and things should be clear.

Going beyond that, there are the motivations many of these students and graduates and young people overall have for going to college in the first place. At first the hosts in the above video mention jobs, then laziness, then celebrity culture having everyone believing they can become the next big celebrity, etc. While all of these are good starting points, they fail to delve into the “meat” of the issue.

The above video goes a bit further into some of the reasons why STEM majors are needed, mostly citing neato catch phrases as “driving the economy” and “tomorrow’s innovators.” But that’s just it though; anyone who actually want’s to be a driver of the economy or an innovator will already be taking steps to do so, with or without a college degree.

The fact of the matter is that most of the people going to college (mostly women) have no real reason or motivation for being there.

Granted that you’ll never hear a feminist complain about the gender disparity in occupations such as plumbing, or HVAC, or oil rigging, etc. This brings us to yet another conclusion:

Another truth is that women do not want to work.

Many of the students and graduates are on auto-pilot, merely spinning their wheels to appear as if they are moving or maintaining/gaining status. It isn’t even laziness; their lives have been on a conveyor belt throughout their entire existence and a college degree is just the next logical (or most common) step. They aren’t lazy, they just don’t care, and I do not entirely blame them. Their parents, their families, their friends, their teachers, their nation, everyone told them it was either college, maybe the military, or being a deadbeat, and they listened.

Another common theme among many of these students is that they are primarily from broken families as well. With little hopes for getting a decent job, delayed adolescence via living with/off of their parents for far longer than is natural, and fewer hopes for having a happy or decent marriage, their malaise is understandable. It may be wrong, even unhealthy, but it is what it is.

As with any institution where the majority of men have decided to jump ship, the boat is sinking, and all that’s left is to listen to all the women and children scream as they head into the watery abyss.

Equality’s a bitch.

Black Bike Week

Never before have I experienced such staggering levels of cognitive dissonance.

On one hand, the documentary above presents a celebration of motorcycles and women, which in and of themselves are glorious. On the other hand, all that can be seen on screen is a messy and chaotic amalgamation of degeneration and “booty-claps.”

What is even more offensive is the idea purported by the narrator that these people are gathering in order to “celebrate the fallen soldiers of the U.S. Army.” I highly doubt that anyone of sufficient character or dignity would want to be “celebrated” this way.

Our fallen heroes must be rolling in their graves. Many good men have died all so people could gather and shake their lower fat-bags on top of motorcycles.

A lot of the footage tries to portray the women available as sexy, worthy of watching and chasing. Unfortunately, it merely highlights just how disgusting and out of shape these poor souls are.

Even the comparison between Black Bike Week and “White Bike Week” (i.e. Harley bike Week) falls flat. At least at White Bike Week I wouldn’t have to fear that my bike, wallet, or kidneys may get stolen. Plus there’s the added advantage of numerous nubile light-skinned beauties on display for the choosing. Overall it seems like the much better party, despite the narrator’s claim that Black Bike Week, or B.B.W. (Haha! Check out that awesome and oh so fitting acronym!) for having “better music.” Sure, the increase in sports bikes is worthy of praise, but the “ass-clapping” is not.

Truth be told, booty-clapping is just another way for overweight women to rationalize their excessive girth by giving it utility. A poor utility, certainly, but a utility none the less, and a disguise to the real problem; obesity.

Even funnier is when the narrator (Charlet Duboc) introduces herself and vaguely exclaims her motivations for coming. We all know the real reason why she went, however. Being the one seemingly well-put-together and young white woman among a crowd of deafening dark she-beasts is a good way of garnering exceptional treatment. She is basically becoming a “big fish in a small pond” so to speak. Plus she is a young white girl and they’re notoriously indiscriminate party addicts.

Also – notice the sign at 2:28 disclaiming “No Fat Chicks?” What is one of the first thing you see once inside the party? Several fat chicks slobbering on the faces of many a desperate man. Just another example of how dissonant and even contradictory the entire affair is.

To top it all off, the astounding level of *cough*“creative”*cough* and custom motorcycles should be a visual treat. Instead it looks more as if MySpace found its way to plaster itself over a bike festival. It is a shame, because motorcycles are typically beautiful pieces of machinery. Here they have been rendered gaudy and loud, which should be no surprise considering the demographic.

Fortunately, much of the comments on the video express similar sentiments, and has overall turned into a massive hate-fest, which is par for the course for any YouTube video in general I suppose.

Just another example of the underclass not giving a fuck.